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create account (生成账号)

 | 2023-7-31 15:56:19

生成账号,Generate account

生成账号可以不同类别Generating accounts can be in different categories

----在下拉箭头处选择,可以设置临时用户,会员用户等,右侧勾选“包时段”或者“自由包时”之后,生成的会员类别会变为 - 包时账号,这种类型的账号只能按照包时的规矩来上机Select from the drop-down arrow, you can set temporary users, member users, etc. Check "package time" or "free package time" on the right side, and the generated membership category will become - package time account. This type of account can only be used according to the rules of package time

from clipboard

from clipboard

生成账号的时候,还可以在下方设置打印选项,并打印票据When generating an account, you can also set print options below and print notes

from clipboard

from clipboard

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