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create batch account(多个生成账号)

 | 2023-8-1 14:40:01

批量账号生成批量生成账号,打开之后可以看到以下窗口(Batch account generation batch account generation, after opening you can see the following window

from clipboard

from clipboard

首先选择生成“临时帐号”或者“会员帐号”,然后在“开户金额”中输入帐号所要含有的金额,在“默认密码”中输入统一的密码,在“生成个数”中输入要生成帐号的数量,最后点“生成帐号”按钮,软件即会提示生成成功。(First choose to generate a "temporary account" or "member account", enter your account in the "deposit" to contain the amount of unity in the "default password" input password, input in the "generation number" to generate a account number, the last point "generate account" button, the software will be prompted to generate success.

注意,如果生成的是临时帐号,帐号以pt字母开头,例如:pt001pt002……;如果生成的是会员帐号,帐号以hy字母开头,例如:hy001hy002……(Note that if a temporary account is generated, the account starts with pt, e.g. Pt001, pt002 ; If a member account is generated, the account begins with the hy letter, e.g., hy001, hy002

参考链接 批量账号生成

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