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enter admin mode(进入老板模式)

 | 2023-7-22 17:10:12

打开之后可以看到以下窗口,(When opened, you can see the following window


(如下图)。点击确定就进入老板模式了。(Click daily management on the server side,Choose to enter boss mode。Enter the administrator's user name and password in the pop-up enter boss code and password box,as following picture shows,Click ok to enter boss mode

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进入老板模式后在服务端左下角状态栏有“现在是老板模式”的提示。(After entering boss mode, the status bar in the lower left corner of the server has a prompt of "now boss mode"

现在我们就可以方便的进行管理操作了。如果操作管理结束。就应退出老板模式。还依次点击日常管理,选择解除老板模式。此时我们看到的左下角状态提示为“操作员代号***”(Now we can easily manage the operation. If the operation management ends. Should exit boss mode. Click daily management in turn, and select the boss mode. At this point, the state prompt in the lower left corner is "operator code ***".

进入老板模式之后,日常管理的‘enter admin mode’会变为“remove admin mode”即退出老板模式,点击之后即可退出老板模式,进入正常的营业员模式(After entering the boss mode, the daily management 'enter admin mode' will be changed to "remove admin mode", which means to exit the boss mode. After clicking, you can exit the boss mode and enter the normal salesperson mode

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参考链接 进入老板模式

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