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uninstall client computerus (卸载客户机)

 | 2023-8-3 15:26:08

卸载客户机Uninstall client

客户机和收费机正常连接的状态下,比如1号机,让1号机处于锁屏状态,可以子啊服务端选择1号机,右键,卸载客户机,然后客户机会有弹窗,选择是就可以卸载客户端软件了When the client is normally connected to the charging machine, such as machine 1, and the machine 1 is in the lock screen state, the server can select machine 1, right click and uninstall the client, and then the client will have a pop-up window, and the client can uninstall the client software

(无盘系统需要关闭还原或者进入超级用户模式Diskless systems need to turn off restore or go into superuser mode

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